Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rainy days and phone apps

After a data usage blowout on my iPhone a few months ago, I've become incredibly frugal with my internet use while out and about. But, because I don't do anything by halves, I'm now only using about 30% of the 1.5GB/month I'm allowed.

So, naturally as the end of the last month neared, I updated every iPhone Application (App) on my phone, plus surfed about to find any new Apps that I couldn't possibly do without.

As well as a new Calorie King App and a Henry David Thoreau quotes App (don't ask!) I came across a "Sleepmaker Rain" free App. Now, as a chronic insomniac who would never deign to buy CDs of whales or frogs or the like (cos that would be, well... pathetic!), free rainfall-on-call seemed ideal.

Water / Texture / RainAnd rather than feel disappointed with my freebie (refer back to Thoreau quotes App) I'm stoked that the rain sounds... well, it sounds like real rain. And better still, there are choices. Not only can you choose to listen to gentle, medium or torrential rain, but you can listen to: Gentle rain against windows with wind; or Medium and steady with puddles; or even Medium falling off porch and so forth.

And the different sounds are surprisingly different - although I am yet to hear the thunder in the 'Gentle rain with distant thunder' option.

I used it for the first time last night. And despite my fear that I may suddenly be struck with the constant urge to empty my bladder, I found it surprisingly restful. I'm not actually sure it helped me sleep, however that could possibly have been because I lay there wondering who on earth made the recordings, because frankly they have WAY too much time on their hands!

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